Learn from the Persecuted Christians

Endurance is experiencing the power of God’s love by rejoicing in trials and tribulations.
What are we to endure in this world?
“As a good soldier of Christ” (2 Timothy 2:3), we are to endure hardness, afflictions, tribulations, grief, persecution – “That ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye suffer”. (2 Thesalonians 1:5)
Endurance is based on hope. A runner will endure rigorous and painful training for the hope that he will win the race. Our Lord Jesus endured the cross and despised the shame for the joy of knowing His death would conquer satan and bring salvation to us all.
Our hope is, that by enduring trials, we will experience a greater measure of spiritual power in this life as well as rewards in Heaven.
The Bible says in Psalm 92:12 “the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree.” The source of life in a palm tree is at its center rather then just beneath the outward surface, as in other trees. Its roots go deep into the ground and draw nourishment during times of drought. The longer it endures, the sweeter its fruits become.
A few days ago, I went to this conference organized by lovejos with the theme: Bringing hope to persecuted Christians in northern Nigeria. A few speakers like: Esther Ibanga, Baronesse Cox, Mark Lipdo, Ade Omo’oba, were there to share about the life of people in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria.   

I was shocked to see some of the clips, some I couldn’t even watch, but its reality. Those people endure more then I could ever imagine. After having their children slaughtered, or husbands killed by the muslims, their houses and bussiness burnt down, the churches destoyed, they still gather to worship God. I learn so much from them, I learn to appreciate the freedom I have to worship God. And yet, with all this freedom, I don’t do enough.
         In one clip they were interviewing some children, they lost dads, most of them, moms and maybe brothers and sisters, some of them had parents killed infront of them, they are children of God, sharing that they pray and hope that those who left them orphans, will come to meet God.

And I ask myself….how can they do it? I couldn’t even watch or hear what happened there, in Jos, but they saw, they were there and they still endure and, most of all, they forgive.
I am amazed, ashamed and I feel so small, I pray I have at least a little bit of their faith, love, forgiving spirit.
The people of Jos are teaching me that when trials come, I am to meet and endure them, by thanking God because He promised to be with me, by rejoycing in all things; by crying out when neccesary and by overcoming it with good.
This is what I pray for myself, this is what I learn from the persecuted.
They cry out to us, as their brothers and sisters, they need our love, they need our prayer and they need our support.
There’s a child that may loose his mom, there is a woman that might loose her husband, or son, right this very moment. There are churches that might not be full next Sunday. For many people in Jos, today might be their last day here, let us help, pray for the Government to protect our brothers and sisters in Jos. Support financially orphans and widows, adopt a child, pray for the new projects. Talk to your friends and family, tell them about Jos!

We are all members of the same body, lets feel with eachother!
Learn from these people, but also make a change!

I hope your hearts will be touched!
God bless!

Here are some link that I hope you will check out:
