Strength for the Storm

       The purpose of every storm is to purify and cultivate endurance. Like Paul, we may sometimes feel as if we are being torn to pieces under the pressure of circumstances. But his challenge to the Romans compels us to re-examine our perspective and response to each storm we face. "We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us--they help us learn to endure. Endurance then develops strength of character in us, and character strengthens our confident expectation of salvation" (Romans 5:3-5 NLT).

No matter what storm rages in your life today - no matter how fierce the winds or how high the waves may be - where you are is no surprise to God. Heaven is not in a panic. Keep your gaze on Him and your glance on the raging waters. Give it all to Him and He will supply everything you need to stand firm in the storm. Stay tough and rejoice in God's power and the hope of His help. Trust Him. Rejoice knowing that God is going to come to your aid at just the right time with the perfect answer. In the meantime, smile about those powerful muscles that you are building!

Look back at the storms you have come through. Have you learned more about endurance? Are you stronger now than you were then?
Memorize Romans 5:3-5. Examine the storms you are facing today. Choose to rejoice in the midst of each one, knowing it is an opportunity to trust God.
God bless you!
