One of my favorite books defines initiative as acting on the rhemas that God gives to us in His Word.
Initiative is foundational to all other qualities, it is the first quality that God uses to demonstrate His love to us.
The dictionary defines initiative as being the power to follow through with a plan or task, it's the start of something with the hope that it will continue.
The word initiative doesn't appear in the Bible, however, the thought and meaning, definitely occurs throughout the Word of God.
Not all initiative is good, as it may sometimes lead us well off the path God has for us. We have to be discerning that our motivations are centered with the values of the word and are working side by side with the fruits of the Spirit and the rest of the character traits.
If you are like me, you can come up with a great set of reasons why you should not do something. Even though discernment and common sense need to come into play, if your excuses are keeping you from doing your best, you have set yourself on the wrong path.
We have to be willing to see what needs to be done and do it!
Take the initiative, stop hesitating, take the first step, be determined to act immediately in faith on what God says to you, what he speaks, and never reconsider or change your initial decisions.
Let's look at some examples of initiative in the Bible:
Moses - he took initiative in delivering his people from bondage (Exodus 2)
David - he demonstrated initiative while caring for his family's sheep. (1 Samuel 17; Psalm 78:72-77)
Naaman - he took initiative by coming to Elijah for healing (2 kings 5)
Nehemiah - he took initiative to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem (Nehemiah 1-2)
The rich young ruler - he demonstrated initiative by coming to Jesus (Luke 18)
Let's ask ourselves a few questions and see if we take initiative in doing some of these things?
- Do I rise early in the morning and seek the Lord?
- Do I seek direction for my life in God's Word?
- Do I share the Gospel with others?
- Do I have a prayer list?
- Do I keep my home and life organized?
- Do I search out the fatherless and the widows and discover what their needs are?
- Do I learn how to write down the truths that God is teaching me?
God bless!
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