
Today I want to share with you all about enthusiasm!
The word comes from Greek and it's made out of "en", that means "in" and "theos", that means God. To be enthusiastic or to have enthusiasm means to be energized and inspired by God.
Another word that we use for it is "zeal", coming from the greek word "zelos", which means excitement of the mind.
So now we know what this word means, lets look at what we can be enthusiastic about!
I'd say we can be enthusiastic about anything, but I am going to list the most important reasons:
  • God - we should be enthusiastic about God and his plan for our lives;
  • Prayer - talking to God should be on our every day to do list and we should look forward to that time of the day;
  • Loving others- there's a verse in the Bible that encourages us to love others, Luke 6:31 "And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them".
Genuine enthusiasm is not something we activate on our by our own energy. it's the interaction with the Holy Spirit of God that produces these feelings in us. For  this reason we are to "quench not the Spirit", nor grieve him with things in our lives that displease him.(1 Thessalonians 5:19; Ephesians 4:30).
Lets check and see how enthusiastic we are! Ask yourself these questions and answer honestly: 
  • Do I give energy to those around me by being enthusiastic?
  • Do I give everyone a warm, enthusiastic smile or only those who are close friends?
  • As a believer, do I ask God to fill my life with the Holy Spirit?
  • In my daily life, do I acknowledge the positive things more then the negative ones?
I hope and pray that this post helps you to look at life from God's side and be enthusiastic about what your life is, who you are, what you do and who your friends are!
Be blessed!
